Movers And Removalists Brighton

Movers And Removalists Brighton

Movers And Removalists Brighton

The challenges of choosing a mover in Brighton

Moving has countless challenges, such as scheduling, packing and unpacking, and of course, there is the investment of time, emotions, stress and money. It’s stressful in general, even when the ultimate move is beneficial to your personal and/or business life, so it’s understandable that most people don’t want an added challenge in the form of choosing movers in Brighton.

Here’s the catch, though. Brighton is a place that has so much variety for pretty much any product or service, and movers are no exception. On top of this, there are various different specialties within the moving industry, and while it’s generally not a good idea to hire a bunch of different, individual experts to handle a move, it’s important to understand why these specialties exist.

In light of that, it’s important to look at these, and look at the ramifications for choosing poorly. Ultimately, this is a going to conclude with a recommendation for hiring individual specialties, as said above, but it’s important to appreciate them, and to discuss all of these different challenges with a potential mover before hiring them. This gives them a chance make sure that they have the proper experts on hand to handle the move, or to simply state that they haven’t such staff or infrastructure if it’s outside their area of expertise.

movers in Mornington

Commercial Movers

Commercial movers and other office relocation services in Brighton are fairly obvious, as is their purpose – they move businesses and offices from one place to another. It’s easy to assume that, for understandable reasons, any all-purpose mover could handle this. Indeed, some of them can. However, for legal reasons as well as logistical ones, it’s best to go with commercial relocation services in Brighton if you are a business.

Sensitive records, data storage, and other things must be handled, requiring special insurance as well as security measures. Along with this, desks, cubicle components, delicate electronics, industrial equipment, and much more provide a special challenge that only a commercial mover is particularly experienced in let alone prepared to handle.

Piano Movers

Everyone is familiar with the old jokes about piano movers, with pianos being dropped on cartoon characters or the struggle of vaudeville acts to get them up and down stairs in the days before elevators and apartment buildings. These were legitimate challenges, because moving pianos is difficult. Piano movers in Brighton face unique challenges because pianos are delicate, sensitive, and extremely heavy.

While it doesn’t require a pianist to move a piano, it does still require movers that understand these challenges and know how to sensitively and delicately assemble and disassemble certain components, as well as moving the bulk of it around without cracking the frame, or throwing it wildly out of tune. It is worth noting, though, that any kind of piano move will result in it being thrown slightly out of tune, so a tuner will probably need to deal with it after the move no matter what.

Pool Tables and Furniture

Furniture movers in Brighton tend to be erroneously considered to be just general house movers in Brighton. This is because the brunt of residential moving does pertain to furniture, but there do exist many cases where a particularly difficult piece of furniture – antiques or whatnot – require a special hand and special knowledge.

As far as pool tables go, they are delicate and difficult, not unlike pianos. They aren’t as intricate, but they are expensive, and they also require some tender care with assembly and disassembly as well as a modicum of respect when being handled.


A commercial mover should always be used to moving businesses, no matter what. As far as anything else, a mover should be informed about any particular challenges, as mentioned above, well before any contracts have been signed or any moves have been scheduled. This will allow them to make sure they have the appropriate staff, as well as point out anything that they aren’t equipped to handle. Fortunately, you can usually count on businesses in Brighton to be honest with you.

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Why Choose Best Movements

Expert Removalists

Performing different removals jobs in an accurate and timely manner has always been our priority.

Superior Safety

We hold the highest standards of security to ensure your belongings are safe throughout the journey.

Customer Satisfaction

We pay keen interest in understanding the needs of the clients to achieve their desired objectives.

Affordable Price

We strive to deliver high-quality service value to our clients at the most reasonable prices in Australia.
